Ep. 001 | Zefiro's IPO & the Importance of Timing (3:16 min)

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Consilium Ventures
May 21, 2024

You will have seen that Zefiro Methane had a successful IPO about three weeks ago. I'm recording this on the 16th of May. They successfully IPO-ed at the end of April. I was at the helm as the founding CEO of the business until late last year. 

It's amazing to see, and I’m very pleased to see the successful listing. It’s great also to see the $110 million market cap—obviously, lots of hard work was done. 

Much credit needs to go to the current team, the board, and the founding team, which was amazing. I've just been thinking over the last few weeks about some of the main learnings and takeaways that I've had about starting, growing, and funding a company like this—a climate tech business through a public company structure. A couple of points stand out to me as being super important, and I thought they might be helpful.

First of all, you need to have a compelling vision and we certainly had that through our chairman and founder with a compelling vision of what to do about methane emissions in the US, especially in the upstream oil and gas sector. 

The second issue (and a great thing that worked to our benefit), is timing. It's all about timing and the many new ventures. We were fortunate and really blessed to start the business right when it became very critical (from a US public policy standpoint) to deal with the issue of unfunded and unplugged, abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells, and solving this climate disaster that is happening in the US – with millions of these things that have not been plugged for decades.

The third point is really about having the right money, the right investment dollars, at the right time, and at the right valuation. We were very fortunate to have a great funding team behind us. They brought the know-how, the patience, and the funding to go through a public listing process. 

For us, we also had to focus very much on the fundamentals because we knew we were in a hot and very desirable market space and climate tech, especially in upstream energy – but we also needed to execute to build value. We were able to do that through building a great team on the carbon offset side, but also through being able to execute a couple of key acquisitions for us, especially Plants and Goodwin, that built great value and brought additions to the team, which were remarkable and positioned us as being the leading environmental services business in upstream oil and gas in the Northeastern US, and to expand throughout the US in the coming months and years.

It is so very exciting. I was very pleased with the IPO late last month, and congratulations to the team.